Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Games??? Am In!

I had listed to write on 'Games' in one of my last posts.. so here is my promise..
How many of us likes to play games?? all??

Well, avoiding the normal chatter let me get to the happening. It was a normal day at office. Ppl were busy acting as though they were working ;-). I had to leave for home early cause I had to attend some party which I was least interested in! I was ordered to get back home by 5.30 sharp. So being a v good gal I planned to close work at 4 so that I would reach home v early.

It so happened that there were some programmes organized in our office campus by a famous radio channel. When we got the news I was least interested cause I had to somehow get out of office on time. The tarzan of our cubicle (we were 4 gals in the cubile) was v interested these games. And the three of us shooed her away hehe.

When I was done for the day I shut down my comp and bit bye-bye to my teammies. Tarzan and our third friend wanted a break and decided to accompany me to ground floor. When we reached the gnd floor we found a crowd gathered. Out of curiosity, we moved to see what was happening. Oh man! there were these cute games organized. bow n arrow, throwing a ring over things, and shooting arrows to the center of a board (dont blame me I dont knwo the exact name of this game!.

Tarzan and I were tempted to play these games! It was already 4.30 but I dint care. The other friend who had accompanied us warned us not to play cause it was just for kids heheh. Who cared!!! it was fun. And the best part was I won in the last shot!! And there was a victorious clap and I was directed to a ground to get the prize!! I walked with pride; -). Paavam Tarzan was the one who wanted to win the game hehe. She looked like a soldier who had lost battle heheh. So coming back to the story I went to collect the prize. And can u guess the prize? Sob Sob. It was a pen. Waaahhhh. I turned to look at my beautiful two colleagues who were giggling from behind. And the distributor who was giving away the prizes felt really bad after cing Tarzans face that he offered tarzan a pen too! How generous!

By then, our guruji (fourth one in the cubicle) came down for a break. And when she saw me she was stunned caused it was already 5.15 heheh. And when we showed her the prize we won, she gave us an 'yirk' look.

Well, it was too late for me to take a bus back home. So had to melt 200 bucks from my pocket for a cab! Rs 200 lost and a pen in hand! But did i play for the prize?? Nah!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Oh my saar!!!

Since yesterday there is something technically wrong with me. And the *raja* of this complication is my head ache. Now, I was thinking about the things I detest when I have a headache. Here goes the list.

  • I hate combing my hair. Instead, a head massage is the one I would appreciate. :-)
  • Reading books – this aggravates my headache.
  • Any interesting talks around me will sound stupid. I hate this man! Silence please…
  • I hate to hear the telephone ringing when I have a headache… even if it is in the next house! For that matter I hate answering the calls too!!! And today there is a ‘Mahan’ sitting in our next cabin and he is on speaker phone since morning. Crap!
  • I hate to eat. It hurts when I chew. :-(
  • Switch off the television/radio plz.

I cant think of anymore though there are lots…

All the things I like when I have a headache is – nice shoulders to lie on (this gives a feeling that somebody is around). Now the tragic part is that I have the shoulders where I shd lie on but I don’t have it near me right now *sob* *sob*. Then, I require absolute silence around me. Like the one I have now. Nobody in office except the one sitting just behind me. Thank God there is nobody around to make her giggle.. Else her giggles will multiply my headache!!

Time for my cab… Ciaoooo..

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hungry Kya

Today we are going out for team lunch. And waiting is such a pain! I was hungry thinking about lunch just after finishing my breakfast this morning. Now, even if we leave at 1.15 for lunch. By the time we get to the place and take out seats it would be 1.40. And by the time we scan the menu and order it would eat up another 15 min. Then, the time take to deliver our orders will take another 15 min. So by the time I start eating it would be 2.15. Aaaaaaaaah. To reduce the delivery time we have already planned what to order. So that would reduce the waiting time by 15 min. hmmm I should tell you that’s a relief!

Well, all said.. nothing is like mom’s food. Yummy.. Even if it is just the curd rice and those fried potatoes.. yummy…

Ok it’s 1.15.. Am off.. I am starving..