December 26th, 2004 - Unforgetable day in the history of mankind. The feeling is still afresh in my mind. I was at my native for my cousins wedding which was on 25th December 2004. Family members were in high spirit-Enjoying, singing and dancing to glory. The very next day a shocking news reached us; Tsunami had hit most places including Chennai. Well, it was not that we knew the meaning of 'Tsunami'. It was cause we got to know something terrible had happened and there was water all over. The first thing that struck me was my sis, BIL and friends were at chennai. My throat had a lump.
For about a month after the incident, all that was flashed across mails and newspapers were Tsunami related images. It was heartrending. Orphaned kids, deprived humans - the sight was pathetic!
Couple of the many images which shook me is (was) below.
For about a month after the incident, all that was flashed across mails and newspapers were Tsunami related images. It was heartrending. Orphaned kids, deprived humans - the sight was pathetic!
Couple of the many images which shook me is (was) below.

Every normal human being would be shaken by these. My mom was commenting that every odd thing done to the nature was coming back to us. Whatever, damage is done.
After reading this post, take two minutes off your work n pray for those souls who were affected for no reason of theirs. Also, for those souls who continue to exists in this world losing their dear one's.
Well, to end with would want to pen about a 'Tsunami girl' whom i have never met but is known to me. This gal doesnot hail from chennai but was brought to chennai by those rough waves. About a year back she was wedded to a chennai guy who was also looking out for a gal. Mind u this was not out of any sympathy. He was from a well-to-do family. Both guy and gal met, liked eachother and wed with their parents blessings. Now the gal is 7 months pregnant. Now does that sound like a nice and happy family. It 'was' a happy family not 'is'. The guy expired two days back. And the bitter part of the story is, it was a suicide. Reason: Unknown. All i could think was about the gal and the unborn child; the tantrums she would have to bear. God bless her with all strength.
This is just one story. There would be so many stories unsaid and unknown to us. Let's hope and pray that we dont have to face any such shocking and traumatising incidents in 2007 and other years to follow.